

Friday, July 2, 2010

Summer Anime 2010: Debut Reviews II

Amagami SS

The production values for this show are nice. It has cute character designs. In this respect, the show's content reflects its values; so far, this is an incredibly shallow show. We start off with our token loser, Tachibana. However, he is so much more of a loser than our average harem lead, and as anyone who watches harem anime knows, that's saying something.

What do you mean I'm shallow? Now hand over that erotic photo book!

It isn't that he does incredibly bad in school or he's an asshole. He's actually just the blandest, most shallow guy you could ever meet. While he is portrayed as kind and he helps people out, he is also both incredibly fickle and not fickle at all. He is a really inconsistent character. After being rejected 2 years ago, he still has dreams about his rejection and he still dwells on it. Seriously? Get over it, she obviously didn't like you. And this wouldn't be so bad if he had trouble getting over her during the course of the series. Rather, he immediately falls for Morishima-senpai, the most popular girl in the school. So I've decided that we have two choices here:

1. His past crush was also really hot. Since he didn't meet anyone as hot or hotter than this person in 2 years, he never had another crush. However, Morishima-senpai was suitably hot and thus he fell for her in less than a week.
2. The writers thought it was funny to make the lamest main character ever and proceeded to do so with no thought about consistency or likability.

I stare at water in my free time. It must mean I'm troubled.

The rest of the girls are also stock stereotypes. Morishima-senpai will probably fall under the "I'm so popular but no one actually understands me. They are just shallow and like me for my looks apparently unlike you main character who also went after me because I was beautiful". So far only the little sister character has even an ounce of credibility. She called her brother out when she said he fell for Morishima for her looks.

The smartest character in the show. Bet you've never said that about the imouto character before.

The only thing that leaves hope for this series is its unique "omnibus" format, where each heroine gets their own portion of the story animated. Hopefully this means the entire story will start over with the main character falling for a different girl each time.

Overall: 4/10


  1. Ahaha, the photo captions on this are great.

    In case you were wondering, I saw your blog link on yahoo answers while searching for advice for my own anime blog.

  2. Wow, thanks. I was thinking that I might wait a bit before posting a lot of new material because I expected no response at all. But I'll post some new content if I'm going to be getting more feedback.

    I really appreciate it. Good luck with your blog. :)
